GMAT Preparation
This course will teach you the strategies needed to pass the GMAT exam and give you the best chance of entering a top MBA program.
This course has been skillfully developed to give you the best preparation possible for your upcoming GMAT exam. This exam is the number one choice of educational institutions and students wanting to enter a graduate management program. The GMAT assesses the necessary writing, reading, speaking, quantitative and analytical skills required for admission into an MBA program. Individual lessons, covering all aspects of the GMAT exam, will be given to you by a tutor who not only is a native speaker, but who is also a business professional. If you plan on taking the GMAT in the near future and complete an MBA, this preparation course is the course for you!
с носителем языка, индивидуальноЦель:
для поступления в бизнес-школу, MBAДля кого:
взрослые от 20 летУровень английского:
средний (B1) и вышеТип курса:
подготовка к экзаменуПродолжительность теста:
3,5 часаСодержание теста (балл):
Analytical Writing (6) – 30 мин.,Integrated Reasoning (8) – 30 мин.,
Quantitative (60) – 75 мин.,
Verbal (60) – 75 мин.
Максимальный результат:
800 балловAfter 18 month of having lessons I realised my plan – I entered a Business School in Europe. Geoffrey did me such a favour in not just improving my english (in which I have noticably progressed), but also in preparing me for GMAT and TOEFL.
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a test that evaluates an individual’s skills required for admission into a graduate program. This exam is used in 83 countries by more than 1,500 learning institutions for over 5,400 graduate programs. There are four parts to this test: Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal.
The Analytical Writing section has a time limit of 30 minutes. This portion requires the test taker to analyze and critique a given argument.
The Integrated Reasoning portion of the exam has a time limit of 30 minutes and tests an individual’s skills in the evaluation of data that has been presented in multiple formats from multiple sources. It includes four question types: graphics interpretations, two-part analysis, table analysis, and multi-source reasoning.
The Quantitative section of the exam has a duration of 75 minutes. This section has 40 questions and is comprised of the following topics: algebra, geometry, arithmetic, data sufficiency, and problem solving.
The Verbal portion also has a time limit of 75 minutes. This section analyzes the test taker’s ability to read comprehensively, critically think, and find mistakes in given sentences.