Moscow, Prospect Mira 16 str 2, floor 3, V6
9:00 - 20:00
+7 495 777 2011

Public Speaking in English

Speak publicly with confidence and deliver expert speeches while gaining the respect of all who hear.  

Public Speaking in English provides you with an outstanding opportunity to gain the understanding and skills related to delivering speeches in public.  You will be provided with a tutor who is not only a professional spokesperson but a native speaker of the English language as well.  Under their tutelage, you will learn how to speak with confidence, clarity, and conviction before audiences of any size through one-on-one lessons that are tailored to your exact wants and needs.  You will learn about the basics as well as all of the necessary parts that make up a professional speech which will be specifically designed to have an impact on your listeners.  If you want to deliver confident speeches while gaining the admiration and respect you deserve, then this is the course for you!

Course specs


с носителем языка, индивидуально


для себя, для карьеры

Для кого :

взрослые от 21 года

Уровень английского:

Intermediate B2 и выше


Small caDanielSmall ukAdam
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Пробное занятие (60 мин):

0 rub.

This express course will cover all aspects of delivering professional speeches in the English language through different techniques.  Public Speaking in English has 15 sections, each playing a vital role in determining the final result of your speech. 


These sections include: audience analysis, determining the setting of the speech, preparation, the type of speech you may give, different types of organizational patterns, supporting materials, connectives, rhetorical devices, visual aids, equipment, vocal mastery, exercises that will assist in developing clear speech, different methods of delivery, what to expect in Q&A sessions, and different types of speaking occasions. 


In the Audience Analysis portion, your tutor will help you prepare to speak to your audience by first helping you understand the necessary components in analyzing your listeners.  The components needed for a successful analysis of your audience are determining their ages, genders, cultural as well as professional backgrounds, attitudes, interests, values, and needs. 


The Speaking Setting part of this course will help you determine the most appropriate venue and the type of equipment needed by evaluating the size of the audience, the necessary equipment, and the stage as well as the seating arrangement for your listeners. 


The Preparation portion is very crucial as your preparation will help you achieve the results you want.  You will learn about how to select and research your topic, how to effectively define its purpose, develop your principal speech statement, how to organize the outline of your speech, and tips on how to prepare professional opening as well as closing statements. 


In the section, Types of Speeches, your tutor will convey to you the meanings of the different types of speeches that may be given and these are informative speeches, demonstrative speeches, persuasive speeches through the usage of logic, physiological speeches, and emotional appeal speeches. 


The fifth section, Types of Organizational Patterns, will discuss the most efficient way to convey your message through patterns that are topical, special or geographic, chronological, problem and solution, or cause and effect. 


In the Supporting Material section, your tutor will teach you about the different types of materials that you can use as evidence to support your speech such as statistics, narratives, quotes, examples, definitions, and testimonies. 


The Types of Connectives portion will help you develop methods of transitioning between information in your speech through the usage of signposts, previews, internal summaries, and verbal transitions. 


You will also receive tutoring on Rhetorical Devices such as Assonance, Antithesis, Alliteration, Analogy, Asyndeton, Anecdote, Biblical Reference, Hyperbole, Historical Reference, Metaphors, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Poetry, Repetition, Rhyme, and Simile.   


In the Visual aids portion, your teacher will discuss with you the different types of visual aids that you may choose to use as well as their effectiveness.  The types of visual aids that will be discussed are chalkboards, handouts, models, maps, objects, photographs, posters, and whiteboards. 


During the Equipment section of this express course, you will learn the names as well as the functions of different kinds of equipment that may be used during your speech.  The topics of equipment that will be discussed are overhead projectors, video as well as audio recordings, graphs, computer-generated material, and the do’s and don’ts of making a slideshow. 


In the Vocal Mastery portion, your tutor will work with you so that you may master the volume, projection, pace, pause, pitch, and stress of your words. 


The Clear Speech part of the express course offers you exercises that will help develop your speech to make it sound as close to a native speaker as possible.  This will be made possible through trainings for your jaw, lips, tongue, and your soft palate with voiced as well as voiceless consonants such as TH, S, F, V, W, and B. 


Delivery Methods covers the different types of methods you may wish to use in your speech such as using a manuscript, memorizing your information, speaking extemporaneously, or delivering an impromptu speech. 


In the Q&A section, you will learn about how answering as well as listening techniques that will help you navigate through difficult questions that may present themselves, different types of questions that may be asked, and how to control your audience through your answers. 


The final portion of this course, Types of Occasions, covers the different events and situations that you may encounter.  These occasions are introducing a speaker, thanking a speaker, accepting an award, commemorative tributes, eulogies, and how to participate in team presentations.  

Thumb white 11 fluent

Вы сможете выйти на международный бизнес-уровень, начав говорить бегло и без долгого поиска нужных слов в рамках рабочей области.

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На индивидуальных занятиях с носителем вы разовьете презентационные навыки, которые помогут достигнуть успеха в ежедневной работе.

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На этом специализированном курсе вы сможете комплексно освоить азы публичных выступлений и отполировать уже имеющиеся навыки.

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Слушая чистую английскую речь преподавателя, вы и сами начнете говорить точнее и аккуратнее с точки зрения фонетики.