Moscow, Prospect Mira 16 str 2, floor 3, V6
9:00 - 20:00
+7 495 777 2011

GCSE A-Level Preparation Course

Learn the tactics to achieving an A* on the GCSE A-Level

This course has been expertly designed by language professionals in order to maximize students’ opportunities to succeed on the GCSE A-Level English exam.  Pupils who enroll in this course will receive exclusive one-on-one training with a native speaking professional.  The tutors will teach the student through proven methods how to handle and evaluate various types of information, how to think independently and logically, how to present given topics in English calmly and coherently and how to apply the knowledge they have already learned to the test.  The GCSE A-Level plays a vital part in the application process of universities in the UK, U.S.A., Russia and the EU.  Students who want to stand out from the crowd and achieve high passing scores on the GCSE A-Level should enroll in this course.  

Course specs


с носителем языка, индивидуально


для учебы

Для кого :

подростки от 16 лет

Уровень английского:

Advanced C1


Рассчитать стоимотсть подробно

Пробное занятие (60 мин):

0 rub.
Content daniil
Daniel, 19, Student

Эмили, большое Вам спасибо, что помогли мне сдать экзамен GCSE. Вы дали знания, без которых я бы никогда не разобрался во всем этом массиве информации. Удачи Вам в педагогической практике и побольше сообразительных учеников. Впрочем, зная Вас, Вы и несообразительных превратите в отличников. Еще раз, спасибо за помощь в сдаче экзамена.

Обучаться на курсе подготовки к GCSE было достаточно интересно. Поскольку просто не было времени заскучать. Преподаватель постоянно предлагала все новые и новые задания. Если что-то было непонятно, то можно было переспросить и попросить совета. Особенно хочу отметить тренировку на время. Это реально помогло на экзамене полностью мобилизовать свои силы в условиях ограниченного времени. Нужный курс для тех, кто планирует сдавать GCSE – рекомендую!


Small ca Emily

The General Certificate of Secondary Education Advanced Level preparation course is one of the most renowned university entry exams in the world.  A-Level courses are generally taken after two years of study.  In order to qualify for many of the required entrance exams of universities around the world, GCSE A-level exams must be taken.  The A-Level is split up into two parts, the AS and the A2.  The AS progresses directly into the A2.  The AS is comprised of two sections: Passages and Writing.  The A2 consists of two sections as well: Text Analysis and Language Topics. 


The Passages section has a time limit of two hours and fifteen minutes and consists of three questions.  Each question is worth the same amount of points and the test taker must choose two questions to answer.  Students will be required to compare and contrast texts, comment on the tone or figurative language used in passages and compose their own written work based off of a given set of instructions. 


The Writing portion is comprised of six questions, split evenly among two sections, which must be completed under the time limit of one-hundred and twenty minutes.  The topics of the two sections included imaginative writing and writing for an audience.  The first section gives the test taker the option of choosing one of the following; write a long six-hundred to nine hundred word essay, write two shorter three hundred to four-hundred and fifty word essays, or compose a written passage using their imagination.  In the second part, the test taker will choose one out of three structured questions from either writing a six-hundred to nine hundred word essay, write two shorter three hundred to four-hundred and fifty word essays, or construct a written argument. 


In the Text Analysis Section, the test taker will be given two hours and fifteen minutes to complete two tasks.   In the first task, the student will be instructed to write to a particular audience or for a specific purpose using while using correct grammar, tone and vocabulary.  The second task requires the test taker to compare and contrast given information. 


The Language Topics Section has a time limit of two hours and fifteen minutes in order to complete three questions.  The topics of the questions will relate to spoken English, English as a global language, social groups and how language is learned by children and teenagers.  

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Курс даст возможность улучшить свои навыки по ключевым направлениям, в числе которых чтение, письмо, говорение и восприятие на слух.

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После прохождения обучения вы получите сравнительно более высокие шансы на получение максимального балла на экзамене.

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За время обучения студент научится мобилизовывать свои силы и знания в строго отведенные лимиты времени.

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В процессе обучения школьник научится убедительно и структурированно отстаивать свою точку зрения в устных дискуссиях.