GED Preparation Course
Receive Top-Level Preparation for the GED

The GED Preparation Course is a masterfully developed course that will teach students the strategies they need know in order to succeed and achieve a high score on the GED. The pupils will be taught these strategies by a certified, native speaking tutor who will prepare them for the five areas of the test: Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics. The GED Test is for individuals who wish to meet employment qualifications, apply to a university or college or obtain a certificate equivalent to a high school diploma in the United States and Canada. This preparation course is perfect for individuals who have aspirations of achieving a high score on the GED.

Добавлю от себя несколько слов про Эмили. Это человек с богатым внутренним миром. Преподаватель с неуёмным желанием доносить свои знания до студентов. Женщина с обаятельной улыбкой и нескончаемой любовью к жизни. Если ищете преподавателя, с которым можно говорить обо всем на свете – это Эмили. Преподаватель, достойный отдельной книги.
За время курса «Английский для СМИ» я по-новому взглянула на свою профессию. Я получила шанс узнать множество новых аспектов, которых фактически не касалась в своей работе – о телевидении, радио. Я хочу поставить высокую оценку тому, кто разрабатывал этот курс. За способность рассказать обо всем по порядку, но очень увлекательно и подробно.

The results of the GED Test are accepted by companies or educational institutions in Canada and the United States. This test is comprised of a written essay and approximately two-hundred and forty multiple choice-questions which all must be completed within the time limit of seven hours. This test evaluates the following five areas of skills: Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics.
The Reading portion of the test has an allotted time limit of sixty-five minutes. In this portion, test takers will have to answer questions that relate to a given passage and will be evaluated on their ability to understand the written material. The Writing section consists of two parts that must be completed within a total of one-hundred and twenty minutes. In the first part, the student will have to write a two-hundred word formal essay. In the second part, the pupil will be required to find and correct written errors in a given passage. The test taker’s ability to structure sentences and use correct grammatical forms will be assessed in this section.
The Social Studies section has a time limit of seventy minutes and evaluates students’ knowledge of civics, history, geography, sociology and economics. The Science section of the exam tests their knowledge of biology, geology, astronomy, botany, physics and chemistry. The test takers will have to read passages on topics of science and answer questions based on the readings. The Mathematics portion consists of two parts, each with a time limit of forty five minutes. The first part allows for a calculator while the second part does not. Throughout the Mathematics portion, they will be evaluated on their ability to solve algebra, geometry and basic math problems as well as their ability to understand and solve word problems.