Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT)
Ensure a higher degree of SSAT success for young students migrating abroad!

This professionally designed SSAT prep-course has been especially developed to assist young students in acceptance to any English-speaking Secondary School. Whether your family is migrating abroad or you are a student wishing to enter a US boarding school, Lexicon’s native English-speaking professional instructors provide a one-on-one tutoring environment that will ensure a higher degree of success! We realize that a student’s test score plays a vital role in your family’s future, thus we place a priority on both quality and service. This course provides all the tools necessary for acceptance into any of the world’s most prestigious independent schools. We welcome an introduction with both the parents and the student for a tour of our safe, convenient and first-class facilities.
Уровень английского:
Начальный (А2) и вышеЦель:
Для поступления в школу СШАТип курса:
Подготовка к экзаменуФормат:
с носителем языка, индивидуальноInstructor:

Вот и я добралась написать отзыв моему любимому Гарольду. Спасибо, что ты был со мной все эти полгода, пока я готовилась к отъезду и экзамену SSAT. Спасибо, что открыл мне Америку и снял розовые очки с глаз. Спасибо, что дал мне знания, которые теперь помогают в учебе здесь в США. Увидимся скоро – в Москве или Нью-Йорке.
Напишу пару слов про занятия. Мне все нравилось. От местоположения школы до атмосферы внутри. Преподают, конечно, не так как в школе. Здесь есть живое общение, никто не отвлекает, никто не торопит и не отстает. Все понятно, доходчиво. Наверное, таким и должно быть обучение. Ааа, и самое важное – экзамен-то я сдала даже лучше, чем ожидала.

The Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) is a requirement for the application process of several of the top private or independent primary and secondary schools in the world. The main focus of this exam is to evaluate the basic quantitative, verbal, and reading skills of the pupil. The SSAT is offered at different difficultly levels for students who are enrolling in middle school and high school.
The first is the middle level, which is for students in grades 5 to 7 applying to enroll in grades 6 to 8 and is less challenging than the upper level. The second is the upper level and is for students in grades 8 to 11 enrolling in grades 9 to 12. The sections that comprise the SSAT are Quantitative, Reading Comprehension, Verbal and a short essay.
The Quantitative portion is split up into 2 sections, each with a time limit of 30 minutes and cover topics of algebra, geometry and problem solving.
The Reading Comprehension part of the exam has a maximum time limit of 40 minutes. This section requires the test taker read 7 passages and answer 40 questions about the given passages.
The Verbal portion has a time limit of 30 minutes and has 60 total questions. The questions encountered in this section pertain to synonyms and analogies, which show the test taker’s level of vocabulary and verbal reasoning skills.
The Written section consists of a short essay, which has an allotted time limit of 25 minutes and evaluates the student’s writing abilities.