CPE Preparation Course
Certified Excellence!

This proven course offers you world class support, which will be difficult to find elsewhere, in preparation for the Certificate of Proficiency in English exam. You will be tutored by a certified native speaking specialist who will help develop your already proficient English language skills to a level which would parallel those of a native speaker. Through one-on-one lessons that are tailored to fit your needs and interests you will improve your skills in using English in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is considered to be an extremely significant personal achievement to be certified at a proficient level of English. This preparation course is perfect for you if you are looking to prove your proficient command of the English language so you can study, work, travel and socialize abroad or with foreigners in your home country. Enroll now and prepare to certify your excellence in the English language.
с носителем языка, индивидуальноЦель:
для себя, для карьеры, для учебыДля кого :
взрослые от 21 годаУровень английского:
Proficient C2Instructor:

The CPE exam is accepted by many colleges, universities and companies around the world. The CPE is the highest certification that can be received from Cambridge ESOL. You will prove not only that you have a command of English similar to that of a native speaker, but also that you can handle nearly any kind of situation in English without difficulty. The questions on this exam pertain to topics of general interest and situations that occur in normal, everyday life. The five areas that are covered in this test are reading, writing, use of English, listening and speaking.
The Reading and Use of English have been combined into one section. This portion of the exam is ninety minutes in length and has seven parts. This section assesses your ability to comprehend written English. In this section, you can expect to form new words, fill in the blanks of texts, rewrite sentences, read texts that vary in length from long to short, and answer multiple choice questions about the readings.
The Writing section has a time limit of ninety minutes to complete two parts that will evaluate your abilities to formulate specific types of texts with various functions. All of the writings should be no less than sixty words and should not exceed seventy words. In the first part, you will be expected to write an essay that summarizes the main ideas of two provided short texts. In the second part, you can choose one of the following to write about: an article, report, review or a letter.
The Listening portion is forty minutes in length and consists of four parts. You will be tested on your comprehension of spoken English in different real life situations. You will have to listen for the main ideas, certain opinions, or particular details. In this section, you will answer matching and multiple choice questions based off of recordings of short conversations, long speeches, lectures and discussions.
The Speaking section has a time limit of roughly fifteen minutes and has three parts. In this section, there will be a short interview style session with the examiner, a collaborative task between you and another test taker and a discussion between you and the other test taker. Your conversation skills, ability to express as well as justify personal opinions, social language skill levels and ability to reach a conclusion will be evaluated during this section.