KET for Schools Preparation Course
Lay the Foundation for Your Academic Future!

The KET for Schools Preparation Course has been meticulously developed in order to teach students about all the areas that are on the test so that their overall command of the English language will improve. Their tutor will be a professional native speaker who knows the strategies needed to pass the KET for Schools with distinction. Once a student receives this certification, it will never expire and it will be recognized internationally by future employers and schools. This course can help pupils realize their English language weaknesses and transform them into strengths. Students who want to lay the foundation for their future should register now.

Соглашусь с предыдущими ораторами. Грейс в самом деле профессионал высокого уровня. Помогла мне достигнуть прогресса в изучении разговорного английского и кэмбриджские тесты. Если раньше я, грубо говоря, не мог связать двух слов, то после занятий с Грейс научился говорить бегло и без долгих пауз. Уже не нужно мысленно выстраивать фразу в голове, прежде чем ее сказать. Слова приходят спонтанно. Грейс всё удалось!
Сейчас мой уровень B2 и уровень KET, и я планирую продолжить обучение в школе Лексикон у того же преподавателя. Мы хорошо сработались, учитель хорошо понимает мои слабые стороны и делает на них акцент. Переходя к другому педагогу или в другую школу, фактически придется потратить месяц на адаптацию. А здесь все ровно. Да и курсы разговорного языка в Лексиконе мне нравятся своей структурированностью и динамичностью.

Unlike the topics in the normal KET, the topics of the questions in the KET for schools are specifically designed for school pupils from sixth grade to eighth grade. Students who achieve success in the KET for Schools will receive a certification that will show that they have a basic understanding of everyday English. The test covers four areas: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
The Reading and Writing Section has nine parts and a total of fifty-six questions that need to be completed within the time limit of seventy minutes. The Reading Sections include parts one through five and the Writing Sections include parts six through nine. The first part tests the student’s ability to understand different kinds of notices, signs, or other short texts that may be found in cafés, schools, roads, or at other popular locations by matching the correct text with the correct sign. The second part has four fill in the blank questions in which the test taker is supposed to choose the best word to complete a given sentence. The third part evaluates the pupil’s understanding and ability to use English in everyday situations through multiple choice questions where they are to choose the correct grammatical response to a given question. The fourth part requires the student to read a long text and answer seven questions based off of the text, and in the fifth part, there is a long text that has blanks that need to be filled with the appropriate and provided verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, noun, or pronoun.
The sixth part tests the student’s vocabulary by requiring them to complete a word that is described by a sentence. The seventh part evaluates their grammar as well as vocabulary. In this part, test takers are required to fill in the blanks of a letter with the correct word. The eighth part provides them with one or two short texts that the student is supposed to gather and transfer information to the necessary form. In the ninth part, students are required to compose a short message of twenty-five to thirty-five words on a given topic.
The Listening Section has a time limit of thirty minutes and consists of five parts. The first part of this section requires the student to listen to five separate short dialogues. They are then to answer a series of multiple-choice questions based off of the information that was gathered from the conversations. In the second part, they must listen to a long conversation and match words that are associated with a character in the conversation. The third part requires the test taker to answer a series of multiple-choice questions that are based on a formal conversation. In the fourth and fifth parts, the pupil will have to listen to a dialogue as well as take messages over the telephone and write down key elements such as names, phone numbers and so on.
The Speaking Section lasts for ten minutes and has two parts that are completed with another test taker. In the first part, the test taker will converse with the examiner and they will hold a discussion with another test taker in the second part. The first part tests the pupil’s ability to converse in English when in a situation of meeting someone for the first time and if they can properly talk about their likes, interests, daily life and so on. The second part requires them to converse with another test taker about given topics.