Moscow, Prospect Mira 16 str 2, floor 3, V6
9:00 - 20:00
+7 495 777 2011

BEC Higher Preparation Course

Breakthrough to Success!

The BEC Higher Preparation Course is an expertly created course that can be tailored to meet your exact needs while providing you with only the most relevant information that will be found on the test.  By enrolling in this course, you are guaranteed to have a unique experience of having one-on-one lessons with a certified, professional native speaking tutor who is an expert of the BEC Higher exam and knows all of the strategies that will get you the grade you need that will grab the attention of potential employers.  A BEC higher certification at the C1 level will prove to potential employers that you can be an effective member of their organization and those already employed, it will show that you are ready to be promoted to a more senior level within in the company.  If you want to show your employer or potential employers that you have an excellent command of the English language and are ready to take on more responsibilities, then enroll today and together we can breakthrough to success! 

Course specs


с носителем языка, индивидуально


для себя, для учебы, для карьеры

Для кого:

взрослые от 21 года

Уровень английского:

Advanced (C1) и выше


Small ukAdamSmall ukWilliamSmall ukMarry
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Пробное занятие (60 мин):

0 rub.

The BEC Higher exam has a total of eighty-seven tasks that must be completed in one-hundred and eighty-five minutes.  This certification is internationally recognized and the results will show that you have the English language skills to function successfully in a professional environment.  This exam is comprised of four parts: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. 

The Reading Section of the BEC Higher exam has a time limit of ninety minutes to complete fifty-two questions.  This portion of the exam shows your ability to understand different kinds of written materials.  In this section you will encounter matching, sentence completion, fill in the blanks, and the identification of unnecessary elements of a text. 

For the Written part of the BEC Higher exam, you are allotted seventy minutes to complete two tasks and prove you know how to write a variety of different business items such as letters, emails, proposals, reports, and memos.  In the first task, you are supposed to write a one-hundred and twenty to one-hundred and forty word report describing figures from charts, graphs or tables.  The second task requires you are to write a two hundred to two hundred and fifty word report based on a given rubric that is. 

The BEC Higher exam’s listening portion has a time limit of forty minutes to complete approximately thirty questions.  This section evaluates your ability to understand spoken English in situations such as interviews and discussions.  You will have to listen to short monologues or dialogues and answer questions based off of the oral passages. 

The Speaking section of the BEC Higher exam assesses your communication abilities in face-to-face situations, exchanging of factual and personal information and expressing your opinions.  You will partake in short exchanges with one of the examiners, give a short presentation in front of the examiners and will collaborate with another test taker in order to complete a task.  

Thumb white 53 practice

Курс является отличным тренингом для прохождения собеседований при устройстве на работу и ведения деловых переговоров.

Thumb white 55 level

Пройдя этот подготовительный курс, вы сможете получить более высокую оценку на экзамене и начать новый виток в карьере.

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Вы получите возможность изучить стратегии успешной сдачи экзамена вместе с преподавателем-экспертом.

Thumb white 23 vocabulary

Вы сможете качественно улучшить словарный запас и узнать речевые обороты, часто употребляемые в деловом общении.