BEC Preliminary Preparation Course
Lighting the way to the future!
The BEC Preliminary Preparation Course offers you a unique opportunity to learn and prepare for this exam under the tutelage of a certified native speaking professional. The structure of your lessons will be tailored to your specifications and you will be taught individually. In this course, you will develop the skills and tactics to understand the four areas of the test: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Additionally, you will learn how to carry out basic office tasks such as interpreting charts, writing e-mails, talking about business related matters, reading and comprehending short messages, and following short telephone conversations as well as discussions. This certification will allow you to show employers and universities that your knowledge of the English language is sufficient enough to succeed in common situations. If you want to improve your career opportunities, then enroll today! Enroll today if you want to improve your opportunities and let us light the way to your future!

Когда я первый раз увидела Мэри в холле «Лексикона», она мне показалась спокойным и тихим человеком. Но стоило нам только начать заниматься, как из этого хрупкого человечка полилась такая завораживающая позитивная энергия. Когда она что-то объясняет, можно просто слушать и слушать ее произношение, интонации, голос. Как знаете вот, бывают люди, от которых невозможно оторваться. Это Мэри.
Я готовилась к экзамену BEC. Все очень четко, по полочкам. Четыре раздела – каждый отдельно, так что не возникает мешанина в голове. Причем знания действительно закрепляются поочередно. Не знаю, как им это удается. Наверное, методика такая. Я должна отметить, что и экзамен я сдала на 82 балла, и еще и деловой язык подтянула очень сильно. Только хорошие впечатления остались.

The BEC Preliminary Preparation Course is comprised of three sections: Reading/Writing, Listening, and Speaking. You are given one-hundred and forty-five minutes to complete the eighty tasks that make up all three sections of this test. This test will evaluates your abilities to read short messages, write short e-mails, interpret charts, carry on short telephone conversations as well as face to face discussions and can talk about business-related matters.
The section of Reading and Writing in the BEC Preliminary exam has a time limit of ninety minutes to complete forty five reading questions and two written assignments. The purpose of this part of the test is to prove that you can understand main points of graphs, charts, messages, emails, and can use vocabulary correctly. You will encounter multiple choice questions, matching, note completion, matching, and fill in the blanks. The written assignments in this section require you to write to an individual within the company and to an individual who is not with the company about a business related matter. You will be required to communicate with these individuals through memos, letters, e-mails or faxes.
The Listening portion of the BEC Preliminary exam requires you to finish thirty questions in forty minutes. The questions are based off of short speeches and are in multiple choice and note completion formats. This part includes simulations of interviews and discussions about life.
The Speaking section of the BEC Preliminary exam has a time limit of twelve to fifteen minutes and consists of three parts. This part examines your ability to speak English in conversations, to answer questions correctly, and to talk freely about certain topics.