BEC Vantage Preparation
Pass the BEC Vantage exam with the help of native speakers!
The BEC Vantage Preparation course is specifically designed for individuals at the Intermediate B2 level of the English language who want to show that they are proficient enough to work in an international working environment. We offer you the unique opportunity to prepare for this exam with a tutor who is not only an expert in the BEC Vantage test but who is also a native speaker of the English language. With the proper preparation for this exam, your results can help you achieve your international business ambitions. Enroll today, and make sure your language skills are where they need to be to realize your dreams!

Я тоже готовился к BEC в Лексиконе. Мэри оставила самые приятные впечатления. Ее британская интеллигентность завораживает. Приходилось на каждое занятие ходить как на свидание с леди. Помимо самой подготовки к экзамену мы много общались о Британии, болтали о России. Мэри – тебе успехов и процветания в твоем полезном деле.
Что касается курса подготовки к BEC Vantage, то это серьезное подспорье тем, кто планирует в ближайшее время сдавать экзамен. Я, конечно, рекомендую готовиться непосредственно перед сдачей. Но и сейчас по истечении полугода знания все равно никуда не деваются. Вот что значит качественное обучение. В голове есть система знаний, а это самое главное.

The BEC Vantage Test is used to show employers that your command of the English language is at the appropriate level to succeed in the workplace. The test has four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
The reading section has an allocated time limit of sixty minutes and is made up of five parts. The objective of this section is to evaluate your skills in dealing with different types of business texts. You will be required to match sentences to four short passages, complete unfinished sentences, fill in the blanks, and to identify words within given passages that should not be there.
The writing portion consists of two tasks that must be completed within the time limit of forty-five minutes. In this section, you will be evaluated on your ability to write two of the following types of written material: letters, reports, proposals, and emails.
The listening section is forty minutes long and is comprised of three parts that display your knowledge of spoken English through situations like interviews, presentations, and discussions.
The speaking section allows for three parts to be completed in 15 minutes. You will be evaluated on your communication skills as you converse in a dialogue with another test-taker.