USE (ЕГЭ) Preparation Course
Learn how to pass the Unified State Exam in English!

The USE (ЕГЭ) Preparation Course is a very high caliber course designed by professionals in order to give students the best chance to achieve a high score on the USE. The pupil is guaranteed to be trained by a native speaking professional who is an expert of the Unified State Exam in one-on-one lessons with the purpose of maximizing their learning experience. They will receive an in-depth look at all four sections of this exam: listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar, and writing. The objective of this course is to assist students in showing that they have the knowledge of the English language that is necessary to pass the USE (ЕГЭ) English exam. With expert preparation with expert tutors, students will have a very good chance at achieving the scores they need to succeed!

Почти год мы готовились с Эмили к ЕГЭ. Время пролетело незаметно, а знания остались. Я знаю других ребят, которые готовились-готовились, сдали экзамен и английский стали забывать. У меня теперь до гробовой доски отложилось. Может, потому что я не боюсь постоянно практиковать английский. В любом случае – в этом большая заслуга Эмили.
Что сказать по курс. Ну содержательный, понятно всё. Не понятно – переспросил, все объяснят, хоть триста раз для тугодумов. Отрабатывали все задания по очереди. На ЕГЭ было легко. Видел, как другие голову ломали. У меня такого не было. Все очень быстро сдал. Оценка устроила и меня, и родителей.

The Unified State Exam (Единый Государственный Экзамен) preparation course offers students in eight and ninth grades the necessary tools to achieve a passing score on the English version of this exam. This exam is comprised of four sections: listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar, and writing.
The Listening portion of USE has roughly fifteen tasks that need to be answered within the given time limit of thirty minutes, showing the test taker’s level of English communication. In this section, they are required to listen to short dialogues and respond with the correct answer.
The section, Reading, requires test takers to finish nine questions in no more than thirty minutes and indicates their ability to comprehend written English. In this portion of the exam, they will encounter questions about different types of short passages.
In the Vocabulary and Grammar part of the exam, students are given forty minutes to complete twenty tasks. This demonstrates the student’s mastery of English terminology. The test taker will encounter fill in the blank questions with the correct word in the right tense and correcting spelling errors.
The written portion of this exam has 2 parts that need to be completed within sixty minutes. It shows the student’s writing abilities. The first part of this section is a short essay where the test taker will have to write on a given topic. The second part requires the student to write a letter to a specified person.